

Susan Brown Origins of Language

John Schultz China's Military

George Budd Birds of the Eastern Shore

John Chubb Chesapeake Bay Blue Crabs

Brian Baltimore Commodities Trading

Wes Brown Mitochondrial DNA

Scott Callander Counterfeiting

Susan Brown Cosmology

Brooks Howell Ponzi Schemes and Bernie Madoff

Grace Cormons Organic and Local Foods - Part 1

Grace Cormons Organic and Local Foods - Part 2

MaryKay Mulligan Middle Age - A Sociologist's View

Christine Richardson Wm. Scarbrough & 17th Century Eastern Shore

George Foster Plastics and the Environment

Alan Silverman Allegations of Plastics Toxicity: A Skeptical View

Sue Mastyl Living Shore Line - Waterfront Erosion Control

Steve Johnsen Lloyds of London - Insuring Unusual and Complex Risks


Tony Picardi Butterfly Stewardship

MaryKay Mulligan Social Class in America

John Schneider Hydrology of the Eastern Shore

Noel Galen Psychology and the Law – Panel Discussion

Andy Ackerly Biotechnology – History and New directions

Doug Moran Victorian Values

Orest Pelech IQ – An Intellectual History

Eric Dodge Emotional Intelligence

Susan Brown Basic Research in Biology - Not A Frivolous Expense

MaryKay Mulligan Adolescence

Miles Barnes The Railroad and the Eastern Shore - 1870-1935

John Schneider Storm Water Management on the Eastern Shore

Brooks Howell Behavioral Economics

George Foster Fruit Horticulture on the Eastern Shore

John Chubb Coriolis Effect

Wes Brown Consciousness: Evolution and Neurobiology

Peter Lalor Electric Power Grid and Renewable Energy Sources

Bill Haney Simulation and Flight Test of a Paper Airplane

Tom McGean Home Climate Control Using Geothermal Energy

Marijke Peyser Van Gogh and Gauguin: Dreams and Reality

Orest Pelech The Artificial Famine in Ukraine - 1932-33

Christine Richardson Colonial Impact on Eastern Shore Native Americans


Claudia Johnson Freud und Jung

Terry Malarkey London During WW II and the Post-war Years

MaryKay Mulligan Erik Erikson’s Theories of Human Development

Tony Picardi Politics, Income Inequality & Financial Deregulation

Joe Bongiovanni The Nature of Money

Geoff Gubb Oblivious Omniscience

Peter Curran Flying by Wire

Alan Silverman Plastic Wine Bottles – Greener than Glass

Bill Stilwagen Euthanasia

Willi Schur Scientific Balloons – History and Current Technology

Nick McClean-Rice Near-death Experiences

Tom McGean Sub-prime Mortgage Credit Crunch

Christine Richardson 17th Century Virginia Indians

John Chubb Fractals and Nature

Timothy Breen Race and Freedom on Virginia's Eastern Shore

Roy Lock Decisions Decisions: The Cuban Missile Crisis

Orest Pelech The Delicate Issue of Russian Backwardness

George Foster Organic Fruit Horticulture

Bill Stilwagen Vietnam: A Fightingman's Perspective

Tony Picardi Global Warming: What’s real; what’s hype?

Carolyn Bolovan Early History of the Lower Chesapeake

Terry Malarkey The Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk

Mary Kay Mulligan Freud for Dummies

Tony Picardi Global Warming: Likely Impacts on the Eastern Shore

Nick McClean-Rice Children Who Claim to Remember Previous Lives

Tony Picardi Global Warming: What Solutions Are Available?

Tony Picardi Global Warming: How to Implement Needed Changes?


Jack Humphries Pruning Shrubs and Ornamental Trees

George Foster Fruit Horticulture on the Eastern Shore

Steve McKenzie Federal Government Acquisition Process

Orest Pelech Managing Retirement Investments

Terry Malarkey Cell Phone Technology

Tony Picardi Creating and Maintaining Wildlife Meadows

Brooks Howell Controlling Air Pollution from Power Plants

Betty Ross Lifelong Learning Program for the Eastern Shore

Tony Picardi Global Warming Impact on the Eastern Shore

Brooks Howell Rock Fish

George Foster Introduction to Polymer Science

Terry Malarkey Lightning


David Powars Chesapeake Impact Crater Drilling Results

Judy and Terry Malarkey Ker Place Herb and Kitchen Garden

Carolyn and Dan Bolovan Banking Malfeasance and the Crash of 1929

Tom McGean Tidal Flooding Risks on the Eastern Shore

Janet Rochester Selected Topics in Botany

Ed Harney Recent Discoveries in Cosmology

Terry Malarkey London Suburbs - WW II and the Post-war Years

Brooks Howell Sailing the Dismal Swamp and Intracoastal Waterway

Samantha Pitts Using Native Plants for Landscaping

Bill Haney Fractals and Chaos


Terry Malarkey Tour of the INTERAD Plant

Lelio Passaglia Film on Islam

Jim Williams Energy Economics

Bill Haney Hydrogen Economy

Al Picardi Skyscraper Design and the World Trade Center

Terry Malarkey 1903 Wright Flyer

Tom McGean Ethanol as a Renewable Energy Source

Ed Harney Cosmology

Jim Williams Climate Change and National Security

Peter Lalor Tour of the Electric Peaker Plant in New Church

Jack Smith Recent Findings in Global Climate Change

Brooks Howell Economics of Planning Electrical Power Generation

Thom Frost Personal Radiation Monitoring

Sam Alexander Monitoring Forest Ecosystems


Dan Bolovan Radiation Protection

Bill Harney Golf Ball Trajectories

John Bulette Psychology of Trauma

Tom McGean Computer Related Risks

Cliff Mendel Physics of Race Cars

Terry Malarkey Lightning


Ed Harney Global Climate Change

Lelio Passaglia History of Ancient China

Terry Malarkey Cell Phone Technology

Carolyn Bolovan Waterways of China

Jack Smith Patent Shenanigans – Update

Charlie Ross Body for Life

Lelio Passaglia History of Ancient China – Part 2

Tom Larson The Blackout – Causes and Solutions

Thom Frost Astronomy 101

Jim Williams Nuclear Engineering Principles

Charlie Ross Identity Theft

Jack Smith Measurements of Military Readiness


C and D Bolovan Nuclear Wastes, the Minus of Nuclear Science

Lelio Passaglia Early Chinese Culture

Peter Lalor Enron’s Crash

Geoff Gubb A Votre Sante – Alternatively Speaking

Ed Harney Evolution

Bill Haney Computer Programs that Simulate Life

Cliff Mendel Extremely Powerful X-ray Sources

Thom Frost Nuclear Physics and Fallout

Peter Curran Is It Safe to Fly

Jack Smith Patent Shenanigans


Jack Smith Forecasting Diabetes

Rosalie Talbert Energy in Biological Systems


Thom Frost The Hydrogen Atom

Bill Haney Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

Ed Harney The Local Group

George Talbert The Circulatory System


Don Hammer Numbers

Peter Lalor Revolution in Electricity

Geoff Gubb Innovations in Medicine

Bill Pettijohn Testing the Unthinkable

Thom Frost The Big Bang

Ed Harney Where are We?

Charlie Ross An Acceptable Risk?

Peter Curran How Safe is it to Fly?


Rosalie Talbert Evolution

Jack Smith Optimization Models

Thom Frost Pumping Away Our Groundwater

Tom Sherwood The Anthropic Principle

George Talbert Nerve Conduction

Ed Harney Orbital Mechanics


Bill Haney Aerodynamics

Thom Frost Quantum Mechanics

Don DeSantis Medical Ethics

Larry Sherwood Programming Languages

Ed Harney Remote Sensing

Dan Kelly Ethics

George Talbert Biology of Aging

Rosalie Talbert Global Warming

Ivan Ladany Code Breaking and the Battle of Kursk

Bill Pettijohn Descartes and All That

Don Hammer Geometric Constructions

Jack Smith Theory of Music


Don Hammer Symbolic Logic

Ned Ganley Ontology and Epistemology

Bob Paschall Basis of Consciousness

Jack Smith Consciousness Studies

Ivan Ladany Quantum Uncertainty

Thom Frost Theory of Electricity

Tom Sherwood Overview of Plastics